How To Grant a Wish

At some point, everyone has experienced what it’s like to make a wish—whether it was blowing out the candles on a birthday cake or while watching a shooting star fall from the sky.

Wishes bring a special magic to our lives, even if they don’t always come true. But at Make-A-Wish® Central and Northern Florida, we consider it our mission to bring wishes to fruition for a very special part of the community.

Since 1994, our chapter has granted over 7,000 wishes to critically ill children throughout our region. And for each of these incredible families, wishes are more than a fun shopping spree or vacation, they’re a light of hope in the darkest place.


The Power Of a Wish

Childhood should be a time where young people are learning about themselves, exploring the world around them, and building relationships with friends and family. But for our wish kids, life is a whirlwind of hospitals, doctor’s appointments, medications, and debilitating symptoms.

Wishes are a way to infuse joy, hope, and a sense of magic into a life touched by a critical illness.

While most of our wish kids go on to live long, happy lives, others are not able to reach the milestones of going to college, getting married, or having children of their own. Regardless of the outcome, families often credit the wish experience as one of the best moments of a child’s life.

Wish Kid Janice being surprised by her very own puppy

The Magic Of a Wish

According to experts and psychologists, a key part of happiness is having something to look forward to.

From the moment they become part of the Make-A-Wish program, our wish kids have something incredible to hope for—whether it’s meeting a favorite celebrity, going on a once-in-a-lifetime trip, or saving the day as a superhero.

Awaiting their wish gives these children the strength to fight their illness and helps them be more compliant with treatment. In many cases, the wish experience acts as a turning point in their illness, giving them and their families hope for the future.

In fact, 9 out of 10 medical professionals have said that wishes had a profound impact on their patients’ lives long-term.


How To Grant a Wish

If you would like to be a part of changing the lives of critically ill children in your community, Make-A-Wish Central and Northern Florida offers many ways you can help.

In addition to volunteering, making a monetary or in-kind donation, attending one of our events, or even purchasing a specialty license plate, participating in our Adopt-A-Wish program is one of the best ways you can directly support one of our amazing wish kids.

Our goal at Make-A-Wish is to grant the wish of every eligible child, and your support is what helps us reach that goal. When you adopt a wish, we will dedicate that wish to you (or your organization) and send you a story and photo showing how you made a difference.

Wish Kid Cole in his brand new gaming room

Our Most Common Wishes

Every wish—much like every child—is unique. Our volunteers dedicate their time and energy into ensuring that every child’s hopes and dreams are reflected in their wish experience.

We offer multiple tiers of giving through our Adopt-A-Wish program so that supporters like you can choose the type of wish they’d like to grant.

  • $3,000 – Shopping Spree or Electronics
  • $5,000 – Theme Park Trip or Room Redo
  • $8,000 – Disney Cruise, Playset, Hot Tub, or Party
  • $12,000 – Vacation

These levels reflect the average cost of a wish in these categories and help us change the lives of children in your community.


You Can Change a Life

The list of children awaiting their wish is growing every day. When you join forces with Make-A-Wish Central and Northern Florida, you’re helping thousands of volunteers, donors, and supporters in turning wishes into reality.

While you are free to Adopt-A-Wish as an individual, many people choose to combine their giving power with a favorite organization—such as a school, workplace, or club—to increase the impact of their donation.

If you’re curious about getting involved, contact your local Make-A-Wish chapter.